BIT.LY SOALAKHIR — Same as If we are having problem finding the link this blogsite will help you. The url soalawal is a PRE-Test Safe RDL Driving Training (PRE-Test Pelatihan Aman Berkendara RDL)
We need to fill up some forms: Rekan Driver, mohon lengkapi test ini sebelum Anda memulai sesi pelatihan Anda, Nama (sesuai KTP) *, Nomor HP yg terdaftar di GO-JEK *, No KTP Anda *, Tanggal Pelatihan Anda *. Fill in the date you took part in the training (Isi dengan tanggal Anda mengikuti pelatihan). Kota Pelatihan Anda * and more ~ bit.lysoalakhir
We need to fill up some forms: Rekan Driver, mohon lengkapi test ini sebelum Anda memulai sesi pelatihan Anda, Nama (sesuai KTP) *, Nomor HP yg terdaftar di GO-JEK *, No KTP Anda *, Tanggal Pelatihan Anda *. Fill in the date you took part in the training (Isi dengan tanggal Anda mengikuti pelatihan). Kota Pelatihan Anda * and more ~ bit.lysoalakhir
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